Sunday, January 29, 2017

Entry #2: Ambition

 Safe to say that time is very valuable  now a days not that I'm saying it wasn't before but just look at these new invention being made they weren't just made out of a machine these were thoughts,effort,  and sleepless night put into it . Time is not something you can't get back ,"you shouldn't waste any time or waste anybody else's " I take that quote to heart. If it means staying up late night to get things done then by all means do it. Setting goals is great but acheiving them is another ,if you know there has to be effort put into it just have self-motivation many will quit and just give up but just remind yourselves all this will pay in the end, and by quitting  your only hurting yourself.

Goals are a great thing in life that alone can be a self-motivation for anybody really trying to archieve it . I remember having this quote in the picture above in my football locker and just reminding my self how much hours I put into the game and not to quit. At the end of my high school footballl career I was named all city tackle a  few votes away from being all state that's when  I knew it payed off . 

Do you have ambition to achieve what you want ?

1 comment:

  1. Gabe--Your blog is coming along nicely. You have some interesting points and ideas for discussion. You have room to expand and develop your discussion further--dig and connect more. Don't be too brief, as it lends to an unengaged tone. Don't forget about visual appeal as well.
