Sunday, March 5, 2017

Enrty #10.5: Food Inc.

After watching the film "Food Inc." it's caught my attention how much production there is of meats and chicken. The way they are taken cared of was an eye opener and makes really upset that company's don't care about our healths all they really care about is the money that are going to make. In one of the scenes when they talk about Kevin's law it really upsets me how the mother was taking action instead of the government when all they did was eat a burger and the little boy caught  E. coli and died. In addition, it was sad how none of the farm industry didn't apologize for having mass reproduction of ecoli in their meats and having them recalled from shelves in the grocery store. Also it's crazy how the dollar menus from fast food restaurants have more of a value than a pound of broccoli. A healthy food type shouldn't be so expensive when it's being grown the same as meats, having a big chance of having chemical residues. I prefer quality or quantity, and we should have more of Joel Salatin type of herding he raises the cows the original way having them eat real grass instead of corn having a less chance of getting any type of disease , it's more safer and healthier for ourselves! We really should take a stand in our food quality.

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