Thursday, March 9, 2017

Entry #11: I'm out!

With this blogging expreince I found it useful with some of my writting because the amount of time I spent and ideas I would put into it, but really I didn't like as much as other did but overall it was ok. I wouldn't say I liked it  but at some points I would want to break my phone in half just because the amount that was due and other times I would enjoy blogging. Sometimes I would get stuck just trying to think about ideas to write like my personal ones they were somewhat a challenge. During this blogging experience I did take serious because, one it was part of my grade and two people were actually reading it so I had to make sense in each one. I would say to my professor to keep doing this strategy because it helped me tremendously to keep writting when I need for the future and not give no more baby writing like the five paragraph essays. I probably won't be blogging any more but if I do I won't be lost.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Entry #10: Motivation

Having motivation can help extraordinary in anything you want to exceed in, having that little push can remind what why your doing it. I myself have a motivation in completing school just remembering why I'm in it, I want to become an EMT and that is my motivation for staying in school. People that lack motivation should try and gain one because you will run into forks in the road and not having one will most likely ruin your run in whatever your trying exceed. Motivation can last a life time just reminding yourself your doing it for something, I consider this mindset a blessing because it brings back good memories or something in the future that you want overcome but it's always in your head. Stay motivated my friends because when they say you can't that means you have to.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Enrty #10.5: Food Inc.

After watching the film "Food Inc." it's caught my attention how much production there is of meats and chicken. The way they are taken cared of was an eye opener and makes really upset that company's don't care about our healths all they really care about is the money that are going to make. In one of the scenes when they talk about Kevin's law it really upsets me how the mother was taking action instead of the government when all they did was eat a burger and the little boy caught  E. coli and died. In addition, it was sad how none of the farm industry didn't apologize for having mass reproduction of ecoli in their meats and having them recalled from shelves in the grocery store. Also it's crazy how the dollar menus from fast food restaurants have more of a value than a pound of broccoli. A healthy food type shouldn't be so expensive when it's being grown the same as meats, having a big chance of having chemical residues. I prefer quality or quantity, and we should have more of Joel Salatin type of herding he raises the cows the original way having them eat real grass instead of corn having a less chance of getting any type of disease , it's more safer and healthier for ourselves! We really should take a stand in our food quality.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Entry #9: Yummy

I would say you are what you eat, if you eat nothing but "junk" food you will see the result in that and gain weight.  Also if you eat healthy you more likely to live a healthier lifestyle having a less chance to get  diabetes, having major heart problems, and many more. Having the urge to eat unhealthy food can be very tempting simply because it tastes so good and can very challenging for some people to not eat that type of food when it's all around us. The advertisement in unhealthy food have skyrocket, fast food industry sell more than $2,000,000,000 alone in one day. Eating healthy isn't greatest tatse versus fatening food, healthy foods usually consist of really low fat and that alone can change the tatse some people find it really good but majority of the people prefer the fat and sugars. 

Entry #8: GOALS

When setting goals I always try and look at the outcome whether it be short or long and just think how much it will effect me when I achieve it, what's next? Setting goals will always impact me in anything I want to do, and exceeding them always bring me joy knowing I did something I wanted to complete. The desire and dedication you put into to exceed that goal makes makes me feel good knowing you that I can do it and anything that comes my way. After exceeding a goal I never stop and think I done it all, but makes me want to conquer more and aim higher goals knowing how much it feels when achieving it and sometimes even proves others wrong. If you don't have goals I just think you don't have the desire to better yourself, putting yourself in a position where only YOU conquer it. Do you have goals ?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Entry #7: Fresh

You ever asked yourselves where your food comes from? The film "fresh" shows different ways how farming is being done to feed amierica. The purpose in this film is to show people how some farmers changed the agriculture world and how much they produce of what they grow. I would say the audience would be people just trying to find an idea where our food comes from, how they grow it and how they treat their herd. The tone in this film is very calm and informal, the film didn't have a big impact on me as it did for others but what really stood out to me was how much antibiotics and other pills that animals take just to grow BIGGER to get a great amount of food from it than an average animal would give naturally. After watching the film it has made me in some moments think about the meats I buy at the grocery store, the way they were taking cared of, and just how much did the pills affect on them because sometimes the meats are really huge than I would see in a farmers market. I say we shouldn't really care as much as it seems simply because the amount of people in the America, what will feed us, if we were to grow and herd like the old times (naturally) the food would be so high in price. The way food is in America it's so demanding and people want it for cheap as well to feed their family.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Entry #6: The good ol times

The time I was selected to play for the city in a all high school exhibition game had to be the best highlight of my high school year. On a Sunday night watching movies I received a text from one of best friends saying congrats and just trying to figure out what I did. Of course I responded thank you but then followed saying what did I do, and that's when she pulled a picture from the local news having my name posted for El Paso Greatest All-Star Game. It's game between east vs west and the city and all high school coaches get together and choose the players that deserve to play one more high school game. As soon I got the news I woke up my dad just telling him about the event and how excited I was, running around the house I think I woke up my sisters too but I didn't care. Being in that game meant a lot for me because my all my uncles that played  football made it and that's what motivated me to try and  succeed in the making list. On November 30th it was the first day of practice, having all this really skilled players that exceed in there position made the environment great just knowing we all wanted to beat the west side. Never had I been in a practice where we all went 100 percent just going at each other every practice play we had going felt like game speed, that's when I knew we wanted it the most. This exhibition game had gone for twenty four years before I made it but the last 11 years west side has dominated, that meant a lot to us because we knew we had better, faster, stronger players than they did so we had to beat them. As two weeks of practice go by it was media day, we had to mentor young athletes, take pictures, and have a team dinner, the term "time flys," I find that term very true so I cherished every moment I did the little we had. Come game  day I knew we were going to win from the get go just walking in the locker room you can feel it in the air we had music loud just hyping all of us up, having our face paint on, it felt like a movie. As soon as we all walked outside it's felt great being recognize by the city they had us all line up by number and our parents on the field. As soon it got to my number they had my name and picture on a jumbo screen and I ran to my mom then walked with her for 30 yards but that moment I felt like I made my mom proud,  all my hard work for ten years she put up with I gave back to her.

With all players being done it's was game time, the first drive we had we scored and from that point on it didn't stop. Each quarter it was an average of seventeen points just putting on show, all the talented players we had just felt like playing against a your little siblings  in the backyard  and just have no mercy. 70-14 was the final, the biggest defeat the in all the years that the showcase ever had. That made us the best team in El Paso history and that was just great feeling.